Thanks to Mark's skills and patience when it comes to filming and editing, we have captured a great deal of footage over the past year. Much of it still unseen but thanks to his enthusiasm and creative drive we already have a series of freestyle videos in production with many more to come in the months and years ahead.
Although we are collaborating on a number of projects, it never feels like work since most of the time we just hang out and talk nonsense, and that's when we're not watching sport, playing ping pong or going skiing in Austria.
A keen filmmaker, editor, graphic designer, painter and photographer, Mr Buckwell has a variety of styles at his disposal when it come to artistic expression. Mark makes his living predominantly working with digital imagery, although he would much rather spend all his time creating the old fashioned way.
"I like digital imagery but I prefer the organic feel of creating forms through drawing and painting subjects in relatively traditional and conventional styles, with the odd abstract and experimental piece thrown in now and again..."
One day I intend to commission my good friend to paint a portrait of Sir Real in the act crafting his words. For the time being however the plan is to continue our freestyle series, filmed on location wherever we happen to be. A feature length video is also in development, with a release date pencilled in for August. More details to follow in the months ahead, in the mean time we are sure to continue to have a great time just creating and capturing the moments.
"After parting from a past,
That was hard as hell,
For his heart to swell from laughs,
Mark Buckwell cast his staph,
And marched the realm,
On a heartfelt path,
Not just after girls,
But off to cast a lasting spell,
On half the world..."
Posted (03/04/18)