Forget the political misfits,
I spew this twisted truth,
For the youth that missed it,
Cos their wisdom's bruised,
By fictitious news corporations,
That use any excuse to fuel the hatred,
Why are we even waiting?
While we stand debating,
They’re raping lands,
And making man a tool of Satan,
And if we're not at all impatient,
To change it,
We're all forsaken,
In a school of fools facing invasion,
Not from a nation,
But from a state of abomination...
I can't explain the forces that force me,
To talk at warp speed,
But more importantly,
If Corbyn had more seats,
Then surely the forces that be,
Would bring order,
To the disorder reaped,
By all the weak Tory leaders,
Who constantly force feed us,
More fear and deceit,
With every year that repeats,
We're seemingly stuck,
In a permanent rut,
The worst version of fucked,
Immersed in the dust,
With no persons to trust,
We're stuck cursing our luck...
Enough is enough,
With the never ending pending cuts,
In the end the real enemy isn't austerity,
It's us,
It's apathy,
Because actually if everybody,
Wanted more than barely satisfactory,
Then we could sack this Tory,
Scary factory of gory practices,
Who practically take the piss,
And couldn't give Jack shit,
Don't ignore the facts kids,
If we train as one and stay on track,
Then eventually our actions,
Will gain traction,
Only then will our dis-MAY,
Change again to real satisfaction...
The history of man is not a mystery,
It’s a twisted plan,
To inflict a distant land with misery,
First let me establish the act,
Before I start rambling flaff,
I will in fact unravel some facts,
Our non stop conscience boxing,
Has damaged and slapped,
Our soul so savagely,
We thank our tapestry of tragedies,
For depicting rival factions with fallacies,
Now as this snaps your synapses,
It sanctions inaction,
And sets in action a plan to have fun,
At the expense of mans son,
Mentally unstable homosapien grandsons,
That act incredibly random,
A sanction pandemonium,
The fact is actually harmful if you know it,
It’s called perpetual bull,
And will infect all sentients fuelled,
With a relentless mule,
On a quest for endless fuel,
Resistance is futile!
It’s not if you die but when,
As life gets worser and visa versa,
You see we’re all demented entities,
Venting negative energy at our enemies,
All because victory tastes supreme,
And makes you lean-up like sinsemilla,
You see war is the new crack and poon,
We’re bastards who are past confused,
Only concerned with pastures new,
So long as they don't ask for food,
This concise truth,
Isn’t serialised in the news,
Yet it's still infused with you too stupid,
Or are you too stupid to realise...